
By: Saswati, Massachusetts

            As the clouds hover over the field getting darker and uglier, I think to myself, “It will be a bad meet”, I start with some sprints for warm up before our pole-vault coach, Doug, calls us into a huddle: “Give it your best, and have fun” he tells us. The other girls pick up their poles while I just watch.
“Doug, my calves are aching again.”
“You just have to adopt, adapt and improve.”
Not waiting another second, I grab my pole. Walking onto the runway I repeat to myself ‘just do it’. Forgetting the pain, I grip the pole tighter, until I feel no blood circulation.
It’s my first try; sliding my foot back, I take a deep breath and take off. In less than three seconds the box is near. I lift my hands and the pole thrusts me upwards. My feet get over the bar. Just as I feel myself rising over, my back hits it and falls onto the mat. Lying motionless, all that energy leaves me, having been wasted. Almost limping from the pain, I drag myself off. Tears form at the corners of my eye. I couldn’t do it; my run wouldn’t be as strong with this wrenching pain.
Stepping onto the runway, pain shoots up my leg. I walk off giving up my second try. Sitting down, only one thing crossed my mind; ‘I only have one more try’. Rolling and loosening my calves helped reduce the pain for my last attempt.
My spikes grind the rubber of the runway; I take in deeper breaths, filling myself with rich oxygen. Doubts: Can I do it? Will I make it? Pausing, I close my eyes. Inhale. I can do it. Exhale. I will make it.
Opening my eyes, with only the bar in view; the cool air surrounds me and the cheers from my teammates fade as I place my foot on the right mark. I ensure that every detail carries out perfectly, giving it that extra boost I need.
Pushing off into a sprint, I could feel everyone’s eyes follow. Within seconds the box is near, lifting my arms, the pole thrusts me upward. Just do it.  Giving a powerful swing my entire body is upside down. I turn, landing on the mats. I look up, the bar in view, still holding its place at 7’6. The corners of my mouth tug into a huge grin. I did it!
A huge roar of cheer arouses, congratulating me on my new Personal Record. Doug welcomes me with open arms, “I knew you could do it!” Yes, I had it in me the entire time.
Looking back onto this I realize how minor that issue was, but the growth was so great because now I am reaching the heights of 8’.6″. Learning that no matter how hard an obstacle might seem, as long as I believe and strive for it, I can achieve it. At that moment the clouds cleared, and a pool of sunshine filled the field. I was ready to take on any challenge. I am ready to vault into the next stage of my life.